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safer energy environment

Real-time detection of mechanical impact on buried pipelines

Help achieve Net Zero and ESG compliance for water, hydrogen and hydrocarbon pipelines

Pipeline mechanical threats

Mechanical threats on pipelines can have serious human, environmental and material consequences.

Types of mechanical threats:

Third-Party Damage

Over half of all damage to buried pipelines results from third-party encroachment.

SPADE technology is a reliable, cost-effective solution for real-time monitoring of third-party contact on pipelines — no modification to existing installations required.

Major pipeline operators have validated SPADE technology in the field.

Illegal Tapping

SPADE technology for real-time detection includes instantaneous reporting of any illegal tapping attempt to the pipeline operator.

Shorted Casings

SPADE mitigates this risk by transmitting an alarm in real-time when a short between casing and pipe occurs.

Our Technology

Real-time monitoring of the pipeline network and automatic, instantaneous alert of mechanical impact.

SPADE is a revolutionary technology for providing real-time information to operators about their buried metallic pipelines – A valuable solution for real-time detection of mechanical impact and illegal tapping.
It is installed at cathodic protection rectifiers without excavation or modification to existing installations.

A patented technology – reliable, simple to implement and cost-efficient.

An integrated system acquiring cathodic protection parameters


An alarm is triggered as warranted by data locally processed using SPADE technology. The same power supply is used for the SPADE technology and for the rectifier.
Alarms are transmitted via GSM, satellite, IoT… SPADE can interface with any existing remote transmission system.
Alarms can be transmitted anytime, anywhere and to any authorized party.
Real-time detection of mechanical impact on buried pipelines

Spade connected to the rectifier

Spade integrated into the rectifier

The SPADE team has more than 30 years of proven expertise in mitigating stray currents, AC/DC. Diagnosis and appropriate remedies can be implemented before installing SPADE technology on sites exposed to stray currents.
SPADE real-time detection of mechanical threats can be complemented by video surveillance using in-situ autonomous UAVs, which are automatically launched when an alarm is triggered.

Trusted by major operators

Mechanincal threats on pipelines can have serious human environmental and material consequences.

Applying the SPADE technology in the field for real-time detection of mechanical impact and illegal tapping.

Our Partnerships

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